02/23/2016 – J. W. Snyder – Fishing The Columbia
Columbia River Fishing Report
This weeks Columbia River Fishing Report indicates the Columbia river has been running high and green with about 2-3 feet of visibility. There are a ton of smelt in the river as well as a few Spring Chinook starting to show. I would definitely focus around the Holding flats from Kalama to Mouth of Lewis River all the way up to Vancouver. These are prime areas that the chinook like to hold before moving up river. Methods that have been working well are trolling Herring with a 1 foot dropper, make sure to shorten your leaders up 4-5ft, You want to tap the bottom every 5 seconds or so to keep it in the Zone.
This Report is courtesy of Bill Swann of Swannys Fishing Guide Service. If you are looking for a top notch fishing guide give Swanny a call (360) 446-5177 or (206) 755-1204